imagenes Puerta de los Leones de la Catedral Primada. Toledo, España.

Bonitas imágenes de leones que he encontrado:

Puerta de los Leones de la Catedral Primada. Toledo, España.
Image by Francisco Javier Martín

Sierra Leone and Brig. Gen. Kabia: A progressive voice for African military women – ALFS 2010
Image by US Army Africa

Image by Roby Ferrari

Simio WSC08-3D Animation and Google Warehouse

Lets make the first model look nicer. First we view it in 3D; then we will make our paths look like conveyors and roads. We will select a server symbol from the included graphics symbol library. We will select an interesting transporter symbol from among hundreds of thousands of 3D symbols by using Simios direct link to Google Warehouse.
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