25 opiniones en “SmackDown- Mexicools attacks Matt Morgan”

  1. this was his last WWE appearence as he along with some others «Billy Kidman, all three Dudley’s, Mark Jindrak, Maven, Charlie Haas, just to name a few» got released of thier contracts, he made his WWE debut around the 2003 Survivor Series, and he was in one of the Tough Enough’s «probably TE3»

  2. Must be from around the time I stopped watching wrestling. I had no idea Matt Morgan was in WWE.

  3. I love how wwe gives a person with a disability a gimmick of a person with a disability -_-

  4. wow, the juice knew wat psychosis was gonna say…he was lip syncing. haahahah 3:30. i guess they studied there english for one day.

  5. ahora entiendo por que jeff hardy saco ese estilo peculiar !!! claroo lo aprendio de los mexican cools ya que juventud guerrera y psicosis ahora nicho el millonario eran extremos en en mexico!!:D jeff hardy la copia barata de nicho el millonario y juventud guerrera

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